Our custom high end Bluefin rods are a collaboration between the Seeker factory and Swordfish Gear specifically made for our evolving fishery. These multi purpose rods are great for trolling, fishing baits off the kite with the swiveling tips, and feature the most durable rubber grips for railing them on the end game.
They are built with #4 Winthrop ferules, feature high end Fuji SIC guides wrapped with black thread on metallic blue thread and trim bands. The Swivel tip top ensures you have a smooth retrieve with your leader connections and wind-ons. The adjustable Winthrop Terminator butts are a great match, but upgrade to the T-10X (multi angle) for the best gunwale rod weapon.
These models are ready to tackle jumbos to super cows having the perfect ballance between tip action and strength to support over 30 pounds of drag.
We offer a 3X rated 80-130, 4X Heavy Rated 80-150.